Manchester's Dual Code Rugby Club

Mancunians Go Indoors

Mancunians will host a series of indoor sports festivals over the next few months at the indoor 3G Dome at the former Manchester City Training ground at Platt Lane, Rusholme, now owned by Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). pic2

The series of festivals, which are for primary aged children are the latest innovation by the forward thinking club, and involve many of the partner primary schools that Mancunians work with around Manchester and will take place in November, December, January and February.

Festivals will be in a round robin format and will feature five-a-side Rugby and Handball and all participants will remain warm and dry thanks to the covered space.

“Everyone involved with these festivals is very much looking forward to them taking place. We work with an ever growing number of schools across the city and it will be great to see them compete.” Said club Director, Stefan Hopewell.

“Working with MMU has allowed us to continue to innovate and develop our product and we’re very much looking forward to the first festival next week”. He added.

Mancunians will continue to use Platt Lane as a training base for their men’s rugby teams throughout the winter months as they have been doing for the last few years.

If you would like to enter your school into any of the festivals, please contact or call 07977 486 236

Festival Dates (So far)

Thursday November 24th 15:00-17:00

Thursday December 8th 15:00-17:00

Tuesday January 17th 15:00-17:00

Thursday February 2nd 15:00-17:00

Categorised in: Community, Handball, Junior Mancunians, News, Rugby League